The Burnout class was so helpful! It got me writing again and helped me understand where I needed to either give myself grace or take action. I highly recommend this to any writer who’s on the brink.

Jeanne Adams, award-winning author

Learning to confidently run effective Facebook ads has been on my to do list forever. I’ve taken a variety of classes and hired others to do them for me. Nothing I tried gave me the confidence or knowledge I needed to make this task feel doable and manageable. Because learning about my Strengths has been so impactful for me, I decided to try Ads for Intuitive Authors. As a person with high Intellection and Context, this seemed like a class made for me. I am ecstatic to report that this was the gamechanger when it comes to me running Facebook ads. I am not a numbers person and data makes my head hurt. Crystal’s 1-1 help and ongoing support through the extremely valuable Facebook support group guided me to easily create and duplicate ads for a variety of goals (newsletter subscribers, cover tests, German books!). I’ve finally arrived at a place where the data is not only understandable but useful to me. I not only have the tools and confidence to successfully run Facebook ads now—I’m actually excited to do them! I can’t recommend Ads for Intuitive Authors and Crystal highly enough. Best marketing money and time I have ever spent!

Darcy Burke, USA Today Bestselling Author

Becca comes in with some real talk. I’ve read all the books in this series, and this one is very like the other ones. It was a hard year for everyone, and she has action steps to get beyond the funk we’re all in after a doozy of a year.


Working through some real questions through this series and happy to have gotten to this book in particular. What can I take away from 2020? How can I serve my readers better? Such great questions I’ll be pondering. Definitely recommend!

JacQueline Roe

I felt like Becca peeked in the window of my writing room and said, I know exactly what this woman needs! And then she delivered. This attitude shift can possibly change my life. I’m excited to try. Thank you.

Kristy Tate, author

I am a big fan of all Becca’s ‘Dear Author’ books. Unfortunately, she’s right. The calendar may have turned over, but the pressures writers are facing today are just as intense (if not more) than they were in 2020. If you are a writer struggling with productivity, I cannot recommend this book heartily enough.


I have learned so much each time I read one of her books. Advice that makes the most sense like a light bulb moment. I’ll read anything and everything she puts out.

Laura Bastain

This book examines the reasons why authors may be having trouble writing and not selling their books as well as they had hoped. The focus is on the stress of modern life, in particular during challenging times as we’ve seen in 2020 and 2021. Syme builds on the concepts from the other books in the Dear Writer’s series, such as energy pennies, plate size, burnout, and questioning the premise. She gives readers the explanations they seek, showing how one’s individuality can be harnessed to release expectations and find success while facing adversity.

Susan J. (Vine Voice)

Who finds that they need a manual for their life right now — not just for writers. Okay, it’s primarily for writers and creative people, but I think if you read the title and something resonates inside you then pick up this book.
I highly recommend this book if you are still feeling foggy brained, unmotivated or unable to act on the things in your life that you value.

Juels a Reader

A topic at just about every virtual writers’ conference in 2020 has been how to write in a pandemic. How do we pull entertaining stories people will like out of imaginations overheating with every headline, each more dire than the last? Well, this book gives you ideas, some according to your personality.

Like the process of writing fiction for readers, this book is divided in half. The first half involves how to be creative when we can’t bring ourselves to stop doomscrolling. BTW, what you read here will help you set aside doomscrolling.

The second half is dedicated to the process of marketing books. Granted, the target audience is self-published authors, but those few authors with traditional publishing contracts are still expected to do their own book marketing.

The real world advice in this book by Syme, also a novelist, will help calm the doom loop in the brain. If you’re like me, you’ll devour this book like a comfort read but also realize, unlike with a binge on comfort food, this book provided nutrients.

R. Maners