Writer Better Faster changed my writing career. I’m more confident and more productive than I’ve ever been.

Tonya Kappes

Becca Syme’s Write Better Faster classes have revolutionized my mindset. Now that I understand my brain’s deliberative process, I’m better able to accept my writing production schedule and tailor my process to a genre more accepting of a slower publishing rate.

Debbie Herbert

If you’re looking for a trusted professional who’ll be as passionate about, and invested in, your well-being and success as you are, then Becca Syme is ready to show you the way. 

Al Boyle

In 2016, I made $971 from my books and had an editor I wanted to hire sample then reject my manuscript. In 2018, as I write this testimonial, I make #971/day. I’m a six figure author (#Significance). That 2016 editorial reject? It’s now my bestselling book. You can do this, too. Only Becca can show you how.

Milana Jacks