This book is more than just about being a writer in 2020. It’s about surviving and thriving as a writer and author whenever life throws unexpected plot twists your way. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that life can throw us some real curveballs and we’d better learn how to deal with them.

Becca teaches us how to deal with them! I highlighted so much of my copy – this is really useful stuff. I don’t want to give spoilers, but you won’t regret reading this book.


I didn’t pick up this book because I thought I was blocked. Frankly, I’ll read anything Becca publishes. I was a burned out writer, thinking maybe I should quit writing when I first picked up Dear Writer, You Need To Quit (QuitBooks for Writers Book 1). The laugh was on me, though, because quitting (writing, at least) is not what that book is about.

I had a good chuckle and realized I didn’t want to give up writing. But Becca had given me permission to question and quit other writerly things I didn’t like doing all that much anyway. And that’s the magic of Becca Syme. She’ll have you Questioning The Premise (QTP) of everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING. Like the old maxims Write Through the Block or There Is No Such Thing As Writer’s Block…But Isn’t There?

I tried not to even think the words “Writer’s Block” while struggling because admitting that would make it true and there’s a stigma attached to Writer’s Block that translates to lazy, undisciplined writers making excuses for not putting putting their butt in the chair and words on the page.

Yet, I identified with much of this newest installment of the series, Dear Writer, Are You in Writer’s Block? (QuitBooks for Writer’s Book 4) and even cried my way through Chapter 14. But in finally admitting that I was not just burned out, but blocked I was able to see my way through it. I am a bread machine and you will have to read Chapter 14, at least, to get what I mean. But I highly recommend you read the entire book, in fact the entire QuitBooks Series.

As for me, I’m writing again thanks to Becca, QuitBooks, QuitCast podcasts, the Write Better-Faster Academy and coach Terry Schott.

Book Goddess

An experienced writing coach helps you better align your own skills and personality with what can work for you as a self-published author, despite all the conventional wisdom that may have you feeling utterly inadequate because you’re not outlining, dictating, and publishing 20 books a year and killing it on Instagram while making enough to quit the day job and start your own publishing empire, etc. etc. I was just really hoping she’d say I don’t need your own email list, and this was like the one area where she says, nope, sorry, you really do. (Damn!) On everything else, you’re likely to find some warm and sane relief here. Highly recommended if you as an author ever suffer from Fear of Missing Out on whatever the current hot thing is.

Sandra Hutchison

I took Becca Syme’s Write Better-Faster course in March 2020. I took the course because I’d been feeling ‘stuck’ and unproductive with my writing and other aspects of my life. The course helped me understand why I do what I do and how to use my strengths and personality to achieve my goals. I think I could’ve reached the goals without the knowledge gained from the course, but it would’ve taken me much, much longer. And I don’t have time for that! I’d promised to write a testimonial a few months ago. I forgot. I’ve been busy finishing tasks that had been on the back burner for over a year! Becca helped me move forward. I feel as if everything I’ve worked for over the past several years is finally coming together for me. Thank you, Becca and your Write Better-Faster team!

Danielle L. Davis

In these days of rapid release and book-a-month publishing schedules, Becca slides in with some real talk: fast writing is not for everyone.

That’s just one example of the many premises Becca rises up and challenges. This isn’t a book on what to do to reach publishing success. As she says, there’s no silver bullet. It’s a book that teaches you how to dig into your assumptions and root out the processes and systems that are doing you harm.


Becca’s writing voice is so authentic – you will feel as though your best friend is telling you a few hard truths, but that she is rooting for you all the way and proving encouragement.

Bama Girl

Becca takes the “you do you” mantra further making it “you do the best you.” Instead of willy nilly adopting systems and processes that work for other writers, she encourages the reader to dig deep into their personality, environment, platform, resources and patterns to determine what, as an individual, makes a person’s writing process work better. Focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses is a game changer, providing for exponential growth.

Susan J.

WARNING – there is no magic bullet. Simply reading this book isn’t enough. You have to sit down and actually do the work. But the eye-opening illumination the first time you apply her technique will blow minds and rock worlds. Genius appears deceptively simple in hindsight.

Beth Irwin

If you’re mentally and/or creatively exhausted. If you just can’t find that focus you know you have, especially when it comes to writing. If you know you’re pushing yourself too hard, but you also know you can’t stop…Go read the book. Now.

Lori Hall

As someone who entered burnout while working in the public accounting industry, I have to say, “This book isn’t just for writers!” Regardless of how you burned out, you’ll learn why it happened, what you can do to feel better, and how you can prevent it from happening again.

Michelle Cornish