Wired for Joy (Lit Review)

If you’ve taken Write Better-Faster, you know that I am a huge fan of Dr. Laurel Mellin, who wrote the NYT bestselling book, The Pathway, which I was introduced to in the early 2000s. She made a therapeutic program called EBT (Emotional Brain Training) which is a skills-based therapy along the lines of “re-parenting”. It’s meant…

Be Vanilla (Part Two)

You’ve probably read Part One of this discussion, where I start responding to reading The Dip by Seth Godin. If you haven’t, head on over there. I’ll wait. The most common question I get asked by writers after I recommend that book is: should I quit? Should all new writers quit because they’re just not good enough…

Be Vanilla (Part One)

Ever since I started recommending The Dip by Seth Godin, people have been asking about my opinions on this theory as it pertains to publishing, so I want to take a second to write down some of those thoughts. First of all, if you haven’t read The Dip yet, I highly recommend it. I won’t tell you…