QuitCast Episode 2.13: When Writer’s Block Is Necessary

SHOW NOTES Important Links! Link to The Office post on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/office-its-here-38899568​ QuitCast Episode 1.06: QTP – Procrastination Is Bad Newsletter sign-up: https://betterfasteracademy.com/newsletter/ Ask a question for the Dear Becca newsletter column here: https://forms.gle/mx8Jt1jgmyS28mn66 Write Better Faster 101: https://betterfasteracademy.com/wbf101/ Strengths for Writers 101: https://betterfasteracademy.com/sfw101/ Dear Writer books: https://betterfasteracademy.com/books-by-becca-syme/ My website: https://betterfasteracademy.com Support this podcast: https://www.patreon.com/beccasyme…

Myths of Writer’s Block

I’m sure if you’ve heard anyone talk about writer’s block in the past, one of the first myths you’re going to expect on this list is: “writer’s block exists.” Right? Because typically, people who talk about writer’s block have a rhetoric about it that assumes the presence of creative block is primarily evidence of either…

QuitCast Episode 2.08: QTP – If Plumbers and Cellists Don’t Do It…

SHOW NOTES 🎬🎤🎹”Birds do it… bees do it… even educated fleas do it…”🎼🎤🎬 But cellists and doctors and plumbers don’t do it… or don’t do “this”, don’t get blocked. So why do writers get blocked? Important Links! Here is the first QTP episode if you are new to the podcast: https://betterfasteracademy.com/quitcast1-03/ Newsletter sign-up: https://betterfasteracademy.com/newsletter/ Ask…