Covid Diary

Because so many have been asking, and because I think I’m gonna want to have a record of this when I’m done, I’ll post my Covid “diary” here. It’s 2021 and I’m feeling much better now. But here were my thoughts when I had Covid in 2020. Day One (Wednesday, December 2, 2020) Temp: 99.5…

QuitCast Episode 2.15: Dear Writer, It’s 2020…

SHOW NOTES We’re hearing the word “resilience” a lot, given the situation we’re all in together. But what does that really mean? And what can writers do about it being 2020? Come and find out! Important Links!​ Energy Pennies: QuitCast Episode 1.21: Writer Burnout and Energy Pennies (Burnout #1)​ Flow: Newsletter sign-up: Ask…

The Stuck List

This is the final (for now, to be fair) episode of the Writer’s Block series. I thought the last episode would be the final, but as we’ve been discussing the series in staff, I realized that there’s still one more thing I have to say about Writer’s Block. On some level, we have to assume…