How Bad Do You Want to Change?

I was having a conversation with another coach yesterday about what our biggest learning curve has been regarding our careers. She asked me a very specific question about the type of clientele I coach (writers) that brought this answer out of me, and it surprised me. “I’ve learned that no matter how much someone dislikes…

Burnout and Plate Size (Initial Thoughts)

There is a difference between “stress” and “busy-ness.” Stress is literally defined as “strain; tightness”. If you think of earthquakes, and California. An “earthquake-proof” building is one that was specifically designed to be able to withstand the stress of the shaking earth. Stress is the strain on the joints of the building, exerted by the…

QTP: Writers Write

Recently, I released a podcast about Questioning the Premise of “Writers Write”, which is common productivity advice, akin to “BICHOK”. The question-the-premise is important because not everyone should write every day. And not everyone does their best writing when the pressure is on for them to write more consistently.  Here is just a quick reminder:…

Before Assisting Others

I was flying to Phoenix the other day. I typically ignore the flight attendant’s spiel (because I fly all the time), but this time, something struck me. During the security information, they stress, “Please secure your own mask before assisting others,” and they show you a parent securing their own mask before assisting the child…