Poetry of Three Things

Since we’ve been talking about being stuck lately, and given the events of the last week (month, year, decade), I haven’t been able to write much either, I wanted to share a quick exercise that I used to do with my writer’s group when I didn’t know what to write. When I first started actively…

One Thing Today

We had a question in the Strengths for Writers Facebook group about tricking our Futuristic into accomplishing that future, and I shared something there that I wanted to share here. As a high Futuristic/Strategic, I do something I call “One Thing Today.” Given that my goal is X (or my hope of what I want…

Covid Diary

Because so many have been asking, and because I think I’m gonna want to have a record of this when I’m done, I’ll post my Covid “diary” here. It’s 2021 and I’m feeling much better now. But here were my thoughts when I had Covid in 2020. Day One (Wednesday, December 2, 2020) Temp: 99.5…

The Stuck List

This is the final (for now, to be fair) episode of the Writer’s Block series. I thought the last episode would be the final, but as we’ve been discussing the series in staff, I realized that there’s still one more thing I have to say about Writer’s Block. On some level, we have to assume…