QuitCast Episode 2.16: Clubhouse for Authors

SHOW NOTES Hearing about Clubhouse? Wanna know more about it? Tips? How to use it for authors? This is my primer on Clubhouse. (I’m sure I’ll do more videos here, but I’m going to list what were the most helpful Clubhouse videos on YT right now.) Important Links!​ Here’s our Clubhouse for Authors infographic: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/271693790009952478/…


Covid Diary

Because so many have been asking, and because I think I’m gonna want to have a record of this when I’m done, I’ll post my Covid “diary” here. It’s 2021 and I’m feeling much better now. But here were my thoughts when I had Covid in 2020. Day One (Wednesday, December 2, 2020) Temp: 99.5…


On Reading “Crucial Conversations”

If you’ve taken Write Better-Faster, you know that I recommend this book heartily to people who need to learn tools for communicating when the stakes are high. Just in general, I think this book can help everyone, but when I looked back through the archives, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t done a non-fiction-book-review on this one,…


QuitCast Episode 2.15: Dear Writer, It’s 2020…

SHOW NOTES We’re hearing the word “resilience” a lot, given the situation we’re all in together. But what does that really mean? And what can writers do about it being 2020? Come and find out! Important Links!​ Energy Pennies: QuitCast Episode 1.21: Writer Burnout and Energy Pennies (Burnout #1)​ Flow: https://positivepsychology.com/mihaly-csikszentmihalyi-father-of-flow/ Newsletter sign-up: https://betterfasteracademy.com/newsletter/ Ask…


Are You Willing to Wait?

One of the conversations I’ve been having a lot lately is about how long it takes for success to happen, sometimes. We ask the questions, “am I sure I’m doing this right?” and “why is it not happening for me?” and “what am I doing wrong?” like success is an expected thing. Not that we…


The Stuck List

This is the final (for now, to be fair) episode of the Writer’s Block series. I thought the last episode would be the final, but as we’ve been discussing the series in staff, I realized that there’s still one more thing I have to say about Writer’s Block. On some level, we have to assume…


QuitCast Episode 2.14: The Stuck List

SHOW NOTES We all get stuck in our manuscripts, but not all for the same reason. It’s important to find the why behind why you’re stuck, and apply a strategy that will actually fix that “why”. This is where we discuss how to find out why you get stuck and what to do about it!…


My Favorite Things: Book Brush

You know me (#Strategic / #Arranger), and I’m always looking for ways to save us all time, and I can’t believe it has taken me so long to find Book Brush. I first heard about it last year at NINC and, honestly, I thought it was a fad. I was already using Canva. I figured…


QuitCast Episode 2.13: When Writer’s Block Is Necessary

SHOW NOTES Important Links! Link to The Office post on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/office-its-here-38899568​ QuitCast Episode 1.06: QTP – Procrastination Is Bad Newsletter sign-up: https://betterfasteracademy.com/newsletter/ Ask a question for the Dear Becca newsletter column here: https://forms.gle/mx8Jt1jgmyS28mn66 Write Better Faster 101: https://betterfasteracademy.com/wbf101/ Strengths for Writers 101: https://betterfasteracademy.com/sfw101/ Dear Writer books: https://betterfasteracademy.com/books-by-becca-syme/ My website: https://betterfasteracademy.com Support this podcast: https://www.patreon.com/beccasyme…
