This will be controversial

This will be controversial. Not apologizing. If you feel yourself getting scared of what might happen in the future of publishing, please close the browser, take three deep breaths, and open the manuscript. (Do all three of those things. Every. Single. Time you feel the fear come up.) Don’t let fear rule your day. And…


Nothing stays the same.

Nothing stays the same. I know a lot of us struggle with adaptation to change, and as I’m going through burnout recovery and having to square with some of the pain of “I can’t just go back to the way it was,” I remember how much I hate out-of-my-control change. This burnout has kicked my…


Do you know your respect signals?

Do you know your respect signals? What behaviors make you know someone respects you? Having a convo with a client yesterday that reminded me just how different even micro-behaviors are interpreted, depending on your personality. “Don’t check in on me” is a sign of respect for Responsibility. Like, “I’ve got this, you don’t have to…


On Thinking and Frustration

My thinkers. My friends. It’s frustrating to take time away from everything, hoping that the space will help you finish thinking about the thing you were supposed to be thinking about… And then come back from the time away, but not feel finished thinking. If you happen to have Intellection, you’ll know this from the…


Imposter Syndrome

Look. Imposters can’t have imposter syndrome. The syndrome is thusly named because people who are not imposters feel like they are imposters. By nature, people who care about doing their best will worry they’re not doing “good” enough. Imposters don’t worry about being good enough. Stop arguing with imposter syndrome by saying, “no, look at…
