When I feel incompetent

Lately, I’ve had to deal with feeling incompetent a lot of the time, and this often happens to me during transitions, but I had a particular experience today that I think might be helpful. And I want to share it, in case it is for you. I’ve been a pianist my entire life (my earliest…


QuitCast Episode 5.17: What is Q-T-P-ing?

SHOW NOTES If you haven’t been here before, welcome! And if you’re in your fifth year with us, welcome! What do we mean when we say Q-T-P or “Question the Premise” around here? Find out today!   Important Links!​ Newsletter sign-up: https://betterfasteracademy.com/newsletter/ Ask a question for the Dear Becca newsletter column here: https://forms.gle/mx8Jt1jgmyS28mn66 Support this…


Editing Your Business

I was giving the Vertical Platforms talk last night, describing some of the changes that were happening at the BFA, and someone made a comment about how cool it was to see us editing our business. And I thought that was the most brilliant way to describe the process of sustainability. So many of us…


Self-care is a Skill Set

Self-care is a skill set. If you’ve never heard of re-parenting before, a lot of the work in that area of psychology is focused around the concept of skill chains and the way we were not fully parented as kids. (And it’s not a “fault” on parents, because when they don’t pass skills along, it’s…


Tropes are architectural!

I apologize for this rant, but… The presence of an element in your story does NOT mean it CONTAINS that trope. Tropes are architectural. Just because your book has a grumpy person and a happy person does NOT mean it’s a Grumpy Sunshine trope. As much as I adore the use of tropes as a…


QuitCast Episode 5.16: Welcome to the Quitcast!

SHOW NOTES If you haven’t been here before, welcome! And if you’re in your fifth year with us, welcome! What exactly do we do here? What’s coming? Find out today!   Important Links!​ Newsletter sign-up: https://betterfasteracademy.com/newsletter/ Ask a question for the Dear Becca newsletter column here: https://forms.gle/mx8Jt1jgmyS28mn66 Support this podcast: https://www.patreon.com/beccasyme Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/beccasyme This podcast…
